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Cell Culture
In Vitro
Modeling a Neurexin-3α Human Mutation in Mouse Neurons Identifies a Novel Role in the Regulation of Transsynaptic Signaling and Neurotransmitter Release at Excitatory Synapses 
In vitro molecular replacement with Nrxn3αA687T SS4− but not Nrxn3αA687T SS4+ selectively increases the size of <t>excitatory</t> <t>presynaptic</t> terminals. A, Representative images. B, C, Summary graphs of inhibitory gephyrin (B) and excitatory PSD95 (C) postsynaptic immunoreactive cluster density, intensity and size reveal that excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic morphology were not altered by either SS4 isoform of Nrxn3αA687T. D–F, Same as A–C except neurons were immunostained with antibodies to detect <t>vGAT</t> (inhibitory) and vGluT1 (excitatory) synaptic markers. Representative images of presynaptic vGAT and vGluT1-immunoreactive clusters (D) and summary graphs of vGAT (E) and vGluT1 (F) cluster density, intensity, and size reveal that Nrxn3αA687T SS4− selectively significantly increases vGluT1 cluster size. Data shown are mean ± SEM; mean values calculated from the average of the number of total experiments. Numbers in bars represent cells/number of experiments. Statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA, multiple comparisons. *p = 0.05, #p < 0.05).
Modeling a Neurexin-3α Human Mutation in Mouse Neurons Identifies a Novel Role in the Regulation of Transsynaptic Signaling and Neurotransmitter Release at Excitatory Synapses 
Knockdown of neurexin-3α does not <t>alter</t> <t>presynaptic</t> morphology in cultured hippocampal neurons. A, Representative images of primary hippocampal neurons infected with shRNA or GFP control and immunostained with antibodies directed against inhibitory and excitatory presynaptic markers <t>(vGAT</t> and vGlut1). B, Summary graphs of vGAT-positive immunoreactive clusters properties. vGAT cluster density (left), cluster intensity (middle), and cluster size (right) were quantified. C, Summary graphs of vGluT1-positive immunoreactive clusters properties. vGluT1 cluster density (left), cluster intensity (middle), and cluster size (right) were quantified. Data shown are mean ± SEM; mean values calculated from the average of the number of total experiments. B, C, Numbers in bars represent number of experiments. Statistical significance was determined by Student's t test.
Modeling a Neurexin-3α Human Mutation in Mouse Neurons Identifies a Novel Role in the Regulation of Transsynaptic Signaling and Neurotransmitter Release at Excitatory Synapses The Journal of Neuroscience, 2019 Nov 13
"In vitro molecular replacement with Nrxn3αA687T SS4− but not Nrxn3αA687T SS4+ selectively increases the size of <t>excitatory</t> <t>presynaptic</t> terminals. A, Representative images. B, C, Summary graphs of inhibitory gephyrin (B) and excitatory PSD95 (C) postsynaptic immunoreactive cluster density, intensity and size reveal that excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic morphology were not altered by either SS4 isoform of Nrxn3αA687T. D–F, Same as A–C except neurons were immunostained with antibodies to detect <t>vGAT</t> (inhibitory) and vGluT1 (excitatory) synaptic markers. Representative images of presynaptic vGAT and vGluT1-immunoreactive clusters (D) and summary graphs of vGAT (E) and vGluT1 (F) cluster density, intensity, and size reveal that Nrxn3αA687T SS4− selectively significantly increases vGluT1 cluster size. Data shown are mean ± SEM; mean values calculated from the average of the number of total experiments. Numbers in bars represent cells/number of experiments. Statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA, multiple comparisons. *p = 0.05, #p < 0.05). "
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Synaptic Systems was founded by scientists and started business in 1997 with a handful of licensed antibodies against synaptic proteins already well known in the scientific community for their excellent quality. In 2002 Synaptic Systems set up its own research laboratory for product refinement and the development of new antibodies. All products are exclusively available under the Synaptic Systems brand. They are produced and tested in our own facilities to guarantee best quality and reliability. Synaptic Systems offers one of the largest collections of antibodies against synaptic proteins and a growing panel of antibodies for cell biology.